Most searched: “Free” is the most popular search phrase on the platform which is a good sign for ad-supported content.
Ceiling on subscriptions: Research from AT&T shows that most consumers will max out around $150/month for access to content. The rest needs to be ad-supported.
CTV/OTT advertising is projected to grow 40% this year to $2B.
What could make it grow faster? More ad-supported content and help is on the way with announcements like Facebook adding all 268 episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Facebook Watch.
Watch: Sarah Michelle Gellar announces the show’s arrival on Facebook.

More #1: Targeted ads are ramping up on cable via your smart TV
More #2: ‘Advertisers think it’s just like buying digital’: Myths of connected TV advertising
More #3: Four reasons why free-ad-supported online TV ripe for explosive 2019 growth