Below are a few more examples of brands getting in on the action:
Example #1: ‘Game of Thrones’ Hype: AT&T Is Giving Away an $18,000 Iron Throne Replica
Example #2: Game of Thrones takes over Bellagio fountains in Las Vegas

Example #3: ‘Game of Thrones’ fans, Oreo wants to know where your loyalties lie

FYI: This video took more than 2,750 Oreos to make happen!

Example #4: Mtn Dew remakes the ‘Game of Thrones’ theme song with Migos

Example #5: Brands Shift Targeting Toward Males For ‘Game Of Thrones’ Social Ads

The big question: Do these brand tie-ups work? Our research says yes considering Mrs. Screens, and I dropped $75 on a Game of Thrones version of Risk!

More: The world is still looking for the last of HBO’s hidden Iron Thrones