% of Americans who say it would be “very hard” to give up the following according to Pew:
1) Cellphone — 52%
2) Internet — 50%
3) Television — 31%
4) Social media — 14%

% of Americans who say it would be “very hard” to give up television by age:
2) 65+ — 48%

More: For the First Time, Consumers Are More Likely to View Ads Online Than on TV
Time spent with media per day (% change):
1) 2017–9.68h
2) 2018–9.73h (↑ 0.5%)
Share of time spent with media:
1) Online — 38%
2) Linear TV — 37%
3) Radio — 18%
4) Print — 7%
More #1: 4 Reasons Why Digital Media Is Causing The Death Of Television