Connected TV share of impressions by year according to Innovid:
1) 2015–5%
2) 2016–8%
3) 2017–17%
4) 2018–28%

Video ad impressions by publisher type:
1) Ad Network/DSP — 37%
2) Broadcast/MVPD — 35%
3) Non-Broadcast/Portal — 28%

Video: Ad-Supported OTT to Take Off Amid “Flixcopalypse” of New Streaming Services, TV[R]EV Says

Worth the time and $: Alan Wolk and the TV[R]EV team recently released an engaging deep dive on the OTT sector.
More #1: Adobe’s New Partnership With Roku Will Help Advertisers Engage With 27 Million OTT Viewers
More #2: Hulu’s Price Cut Will Boost Ad Revenues
More #3: Hulu’s Peter Naylor: ‘Conventional TV has hit its ceiling and the ceiling is coming down’