Mars is the largest manufacturer of pet food and a trendsetter inusing TV and digital advertising together.
Current split between TV and digital (all categories):
1) TV — 60%
2) Digital — 40%
Digital share by category:
1) Candy — 30%
2) Pet food — 40%+
Why the different ratio between categories? Pet food owners are easier to identify and segment which is an advantage for digital. Candy is less targetable and gains more benefit from mass reach.
Quote from Andrew Clarke -CMO/CCO @ Mars
“We can get much more targeted now with data and really understanding consumers in new and different ways. What breed of dog or cat might they have (or) their feeding patterns (for example), and therefore make sure the messages that we give them through a marketing perspective are relevant,”
Flashback. Gut check: Digital video ad spending is growing but TV still dominates
85% of video ad spend is on TV