Quick math on downloads per episode for the Ringer:
1) 28 different podcasts
2) 35M downloads per month
3) 1.25M downloads/show/month
U.S. ad spending growth between 2016–17:
1) Podcast — ↑ 86%
2) Digital — ↑ 21%
3) Radio — ↑ 0%
4) TV — ↓ 2%
5) Print — ↓ 11%

Flashback: 2018: The Year Podcasts Grew Up And Programmatic Audio Took Off
Advertising revenue per year according to PwC (YoY growth):
1) 2017 — $314M
2) 2018P — $402M (↑ 28%)
3) 2019P — $515M (↑ 28%)
4) 2020P — $659M (↑ 28%)
5) 2021P — $766M (↑ 16%)
6) 2022P — $887M (↑ 16%)

Big move #1: Spotify bought Gimlet for ≈ $230M.
Big move #2: iHeartMedia bough How Stuff Works for $55M.
Podcast series by platform:
1) Spotify — 170K
2) Pandora — 100K
Quick math on the total size of the podcast universe:
1) 578K total series
2) 12.4M total episodes
3) 21.5 episodes/series
More: Will New Measurement Standards Drive Podcast Advertising?