Scripted original series by year (% growth YoY):
1) 2009–210
2) 2010–216 (↑ 3%)
3) 2011–266 (↑ 23%)
4) 2012–288 (↑ 8%)
5) 2013–349 (↑ 21%)
6) 2014–389 (↑ 11%)
7) 2015–421 (↑ 8%)
8) 2016–455 (↑ 8%)
9) 2017–487 (↑ 7%)

Why does this matter? People are watching more video than ever it is just occurring on more screens and shows. Theadvertiser now has to purchase inventory across many screens/shows to reach their target audience.
Flashback. Media Use: Smartphones Up, TV Down — With TV Viewers Growing More Selective
% of viewers reached through one primetime spot on each of the big 3 networks:
1) 35 years ago: ≈ 100%
2) Today: 5%
An advertiser would have to buy ads on 135 different TV networks today to equal the reach from major networks 35 years ago!