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The Winning CTV Solution

for Political Ad Campaigns

Reach More Voters, Win More Budget

No Team Can Match Our Experience At Every Level Of Politics

We have worked with our agency partners to make 1,000+ political campaigns and PACs cross-screen, from presidentials to county clerks.

We pride ourselves on working at the speed of politics with lightning-fast turnaround times and optimized spend allocations to help agencies win more budget and drive incremental voter reach across screens.

Political Advertising Experience




U.S. Senate


U.S. Congress




State Senate


State House

Target The Voters That Matter

Identify the 3%–10% of voters in each geo that will decide the race and instantly build localized plans to reach them across CTV and linear TV.

Turn Measurement Into Incremental Voter Reach

Measure cross-screen reach and frequency by voter segment — swing voters, base supporters, fundraising targets — to optimize your spend allocation across channels.

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Scale For The Entire Political Cycle

Our political experts activate ad campaigns within hours and serve as an extension of your team that can seamlessly scale up or down as rapidly as the political cycle requires.

“CSM is the unquestioned leader of targeting at the hyper-local level. They’ve been in political for over a decade and their managed service reflects a deep understanding of our agency's goals.”

Principal, DC Political Agency

Case Study

Staying Ahead of the Opposition
and In Front of Voters

Cross Screen Media helped a large political ad agency dramatically expand reach across multiple local markets by refocusing their cable TV spend and adding CTV. The original campaign allocated 75% of their budget to broadcast and 25% to cable, with all of the cable budget going to just one cable news network.

By utilizing our audience consumption habits data and our wide range of inventory partners, we were able to offer a deeper cable buy and added CTV to dramatically improve the campaign’s effectiveness.


Incremental Linear TV Reach

Using audience consumption data and our cross-screen planning software, the agency boosted linear TV reach by 10% by adding six networks to the campaign’s cable buy.


Incremental CTV Reach

Cross Screen Media then boosted incremental reach by an additional 11% through identifying targets better reached on CTV and re-allocating budget at the hyperlocal level to reach them on CTV channels.

Win More Budget and Drive More On-Target Reach To Your Voters.

Reach out to the Cross Screen Media team to get started!

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