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Which Senate Ads Reached More Swing Voters in August?

By September 6, 2024No Comments

Seven Senate races will determine if the Democrats will hold onto their majority. With election day quickly approaching, both sides have already ramped up their TV efforts to persuade the all-important swing voters. 

Below, we show you how both sides have been able to reach (or not reach) swing voters in the key Senate battleground states. The data represents all candidate and PAC TV bought for the Senate races in the month of August, specifically measured against swing voters.


  • Dems delivered 26% more TV impressions to swing voters across the seven battleground states (272M to 216M)
  • Dems out-delivered the GOP in all states except for one – Ohio.

senate total impressions tv

Reach & Frequency:

  • Dems have held a small advantage in reach amongst swing voters in 4 of the 7 states (and tied GOP efforts in the other 3 states).
  • The biggest gap came in Arizona where Dems reached 40% of swing voters compared to 32% from the GOP. On top of that, the Dems more than doubled the average frequency of the GOP.

senate tv RFWhich Senate ads did swing voters see?

  • In AZ, the Dems reached 8% of swing voters exclusively! Other than that, most swing voters are seeing TV ads from both sides.
  • TV has only reached more than 50% of swing voters in one state – Pennsylvania.

Reach out to our team for a deep dive on any state or for any race your team is involved in!