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Are You Reaching 2024 AB/EV Voters?

By August 28, 2024No Comments

We are rapidly approaching election day, and while it may feel like a race to November 5th, actual voting starts much sooner!

With more voters opting to cast their ballots before election day, it is essential to adapt your advertising strategy. We can help! Cross Screen Media has multiple targeting options that enable your team to reach these specific voters.

Below we answer 5 big questions with early voting data from the last election:

  1. How did voters cast their ballots in 2022?
  2. When did voters cast their ballots in 2022?
  3. How were votes cast in swing states in 2022?
  4. Which party cast more early votes in 2022?
  5. How should advertisers approach targeting for AB/EV voters?

Big question #1: How did voters cast their ballots in 2022?

Less than half of voters in 2022 voted at the polls on election day. This was a bounce back towards “normal” from COVID in 2020, but still significantly fewer EDay voters than we saw in 2016.

  • 48% – Election Day Voters
  • 18% – Early Voters (EV)
  • 34% – Absentee Mail Voters (AB)

Big question #2: When did voters cast their ballots in 2022?

  • 10% of all votes cast came in by 10/21 (17 days before EDay)
  • 30% of all votes cast came in by 10/31 (7 days before EDay)

Big question #3: How were votes cast in swing states in 2022?
Voting regulations are decided at the state-level, so there are major differences in voter behavior from state to state. For example, Arizona saw 82% of votes come from AB/EV whereas Pennsylvania only saw 23%.

Big question #4: Which party cast more early votes in 2022?
Democrats have an advantage when it comes to AB/EV voting, but there was still a large portion (43%) of Republicans that voted AB/EV in 2022.

Big question #5: How should advertisers approach targeting for AB/EV voters?
Understanding AB/EV has a significant impact on targeting strategy and the timing for launching ads.

  • With CSM you can target custom segments of likely AB/EV voters on Digital and CTV earlier to ensure you are reaching them before they vote.
  • As we get closer to EDay, CSM will have access to near real-time AB/EV return data in order to:
    • Exclude individuals who have already voted from receiving ads.
    • Specifically target voters who have received a ballot and have NOT sent it back yet.
  • Important Note: Linear TV cannot target or exclude audiences. Every day, as more votes are cast, linear TV becomes less efficient.

Reach out to our team to discuss AB/EV targeting for any race your team is involved in!